Welcome Research, you had better fasten your seat belt my friend, don't expect any fair and reasonable treatment.
hello all, i'm 'researching', a jw who is in the first steps of taking a look at their beliefs.. i've semi-recently (about a couple weeks ago) heard about the sexual abuse cases (pennsylvania attorney general’s investigation request) and then the arc in 2015. this lead to a deep investigation, which lead to many questions arising.
a jw friend of mine suggested i be careful (due to apostates) and ask the brothers.
so i typed up my questions + concerns and emailed an elder my mother has known for a long time.
Welcome Research, you had better fasten your seat belt my friend, don't expect any fair and reasonable treatment.
i just noticed the clam illustration of "reject brazen conduct" a young man in service walking past 2 others drinking beer and playing cards.
i know elders who do both.
Home brew in the wardrobe is pretty commonplace at Bethal. Hypocrites.
ok, so i know that the following article is from a roman catholic church blogger, but i thought that his ratios and comparisons were very well set out, if anyone else is interested.
ok, so i know that the following article is from a roman catholic church blogger, but i thought that his ratios and comparisons were very well set out, if anyone else is interested.
Here is a sobering similarity - "If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment islam would not exist today" - Yusaf al-Qaradawi - Spiritual leader of the muslim brotherhood.
my wife's family rode motorcycles all their life.
her grandfather was an elder.
i was told by some dubbers that it was not christian to use a motorcycle.
"you could get killed on that contraption" - If you've never ridden a big bike you might as well be dead because you have never really lived.
watchtower has been named as world's most published and circulated magazine in us.
That's a lot of trees getting cut down every month for no good cause.
i was told by several elders to not get a dog when i was looking for one in the 80s.
the end was close and we needed to focus on the preaching work.
i know some have pets but a lot don't.
L.H.G. 'What about suggestions to people years ago that they shouldn’t have kids..and to wait for ‘the New System’?
- Responsible child bearing in this time of the end - 1987 District Convention script talk. Boy was that a shot in the demographic foot.
i`m sure you have all noticed the ever increasing number of newbies and lurkers who have visited this site over the past months and i am sure we could all collectively welcome them to this site and support them on learning the ttatt .
and helping them to navigate how they can look up older publications and quotes of the wtb&ts that they would rather remain hidden.. we all know jehovah`s witnesses /governing body never apologizes for mistakes they make they just don`t mention them anymore and explain it away as new light from god.. actually a big cop out.. welcome to all you who are new to this site .. every day their seems to be someone new posting which is great .. and if this is any indication of what is happening in all other ex jw sites the wtb&ts are in deep trouble .
Welcome Saxon, please share this site with any other escapees that you know.
i was told by several elders to not get a dog when i was looking for one in the 80s.
the end was close and we needed to focus on the preaching work.
i know some have pets but a lot don't.
Unconditional love, devotion, company and protection that you get from an intelligent dog puts conditional friendship of many dubs to shame.
Oh, and as a side point if you want to measure the wife against the dog as to who loves you the most, lock them both in the garage when you go to work and see who is happiest to see you when you get home.
i had to submit to a random work place drugs test yesterday, of which i passed.
in this country smoking marijuana / methamphetamine is illegal.
the thing that really struck me was that despite the illegal nature of it, was just how prevalent and problem is.
Joe, A Queensland University did a big research project into drug use from sewer water analysis, should be able to find it on the net.